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Premier Tech Wilson Bug-X Leatherjacket

Is your lawn being covertly invaded by leatherjackets (larvae of flies known as crane flies)? Then it’s time to take overt action with BUG-X OUT Leatherjacket Nematodes! These worms actively prey on leatherjackets, infecting them with a fatal bacteria. When the leatherjacket is dead, the nematodes reproduce and lay their young on the leatherjackets, and a new generation arises to kill more of these pests. Tips Nematodes most effective at soil temperatures from 10 °C to 30 °C (50 °F to 86 °F). Nematodes are very susceptible to UV light and should be applied in the evening or on cloudy/overcast days. Nematodes are a live species and should be used as soon as possible. Do not store open packages (use all at once).

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Product Type:
Pest Control
Premier Tech 12 Fall 2 Months European Crane Fly Larvae, Fungus Gnats, Leatherjackets
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