Scotts Grub B Gon Grub Killer
Dead or brown patches in the turf? Turf that easily lifts up and peels back, revealing sorry-looking roots (or none at all)? Dig-holes caused by skunks or raccoons? These symptoms might be your lawn’s cry for help. Answer your lawn and control the culprit – grubs – with Scotts Grub B Gon Grub Killer. This pest control contains a live, soil-borne organism that is effective against a variety of beetle grubs, including June beetles and chafers. After applying, watering or rainfall releases the active ingredient down into the soil and root zone, right where grubs live. Effective on beetle grubs found in a wide variety of turfgrass types.
Active against grubs (larvae) of the annual bluegrass weevil, Asiatic garden beetle, black turfgrass ataenius, European chafer, green June beetle, Japanese beetle, May or June beetles, northern masked chafer, oriental beetle and southern masked chafer when applied at label rates. See package label for details.
Scotts is ordered into our Debert warehouse multiple times a year, with bi-weekly orders during peak season.
Direct ship options available on orders that meet the $8000 order cost minimum. Contact your sales rep or a commercial customer service representative for a direct ship order form.
Please note that this product is subject to provincial pesticide regulations, and is not allowed for sale in New Brunswick.