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Nuglade Kentucky Bluegrass

NuGlade is the first true fairway bluegrass, able to perform at close mowing down to 0.5” (12 mm) and in national tests, it excels at mowing heights below 1” (25 mm), sports field height of 1‐2” (25‐50 mm) and even at home lawn high mowing with no irrigation. Bring that golf course look to your lawn, park, or sports field with NuGlade’s luxurious dark green color and ground‐filling density that helps crowd out weeds. According to unbiased test results, NuGlade is top rated for fall and spring density and ground cover, fall color and ground coverage, traffic and wear tolerance, Transition Zone endurance, fewest seedheads in the turf, and sod stretch resistance. Its dense nature fights encroachment of Poa annua. Univ. of Rhode Island trials showed that of all the Kentucky bluegrasses screened, “NuGlade was the top Kentucky bluegrass variety overall.” NuGlade breaks the rule that says dark green bluegrasses don’t make it in the shade. At the University of Maryland dense shade trial, NuGlade ranked 8th out of over 100 contenders. In NTEP tests, NuGlade smoked the competition against summer patch, Microdochium pink snow mold, brown patch, stripe smut, necrotic ring spot, and anthracnose. NuGlade is one of Jacklin Seed’s best against dollar spot. NuGlade ranks among the top 3 bluegrasses in drought (dormancy) tolerance, showing good wear resistance and only an average thatching tendency under tough conditions. NuGlade tied for #1 for frost tolerance, and ranked favorably in winter color, and against Typhula gray snow mold. Seed rate per 1000 sq.ft 2-3lbs. Sold by the kilogram. Barenbrug products are available for fall booking. Inventory is restocked once yearly, limited quantity available each season.

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