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Miracle-Gro water Soluble

A little plant food goes a long way toward bigger, more beautiful plants – at least when the plant food is Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant Food 20-20-20. It instantly feeds flowers, vegetables, houseplants, roses, trees, and shrubs. This all-purpose plant food features double-feeding action, so plants get the nutrients they need through both their leaves and their roots. Helps plants grow fast and large.

Scotts is ordered into our Debert warehouse multiple times a year, with bi-weekly orders during peak season.

Direct ship options available on orders that meet the $8000 order cost minimum. Contact your sales rep or a commercial customer service representative for a direct ship order form.

Option Brand Case Quantities Direct Ship Minimum Pre-Booking Season Replenishment Frequency Price Purchase
WATER SOLBL FERT 20-20-20 680G
Not Available
Scotts 6 $8000 (Cost) Fall Summer/Fall/Winter: When order minimum is met, Spring: Bi-weekly
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