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Fibramulch Hydro-Mulch 50lb

As the first paper mulch in Canada, Fibramulch hydraulic seeding mulch set the standard for the industry, and it's a standard that competitors are still trying to match. Fibramulch is a green product, not only in colour but also made of 100% recycled fiber. Once dried, Fibramulch produces a protective layer, reducing the effect of wind and rain erosion while protecting the seed and soil from the elements. Fibramulch also absorbs water which gives the seed a more continuous and consistent amount of moisture to enhance germination. Fibramulch mixes easily in all HydroSeeders, from the smallest jet agitation machine all the way up to Finn's 4,000 gallon machines.

Option Brand Case Quantities Pallet Quantity Replenishment Frequency Price Purchase
Fibramulch 40 40 As Needed
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