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Fafard Organic Connaisseur Potting Mix

Approved for organic gardening, the Connaisseur Potting Soil for INDOOR PLANTS is specially designed for potting a wide range of tropical and indoor plants. This sphagnum peat moss based soil is enriched with coconut husk fibre and natural fertilizer for exceptional results. Available in 5L, 10L or 25L bags.

25L bags are only available for purchase as part of a full truck direct shipment, 24 skids total. No warehouse storage or inventory. Contact your sales rep or a commercial customer service rep for the Fafard Soils direct order form.

5L and 10L bags available for purchase by the case. Fafard Case Goods are ordered into our Debert warehouse multiple times a year, with frequent orders during peak season. Direct ship options available on orders that meet the Scotts & Fafard $8000 order cost minimum. Contact your sales rep or a commercial customer service representative for a direct ship order form.

Option Brand Case Quantities Direct Ship Minimum Pre-Booking Season Replenishment Frequency Price Purchase