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Beyond Kentucky Bluegrass

Beyond Kentucky Bluegrass delivers turf performance above-and-beyond many popular varieties with it's dark green, lush turf that's tough and virtually pest free. Outstanding resistance against a broad spectrum of diseases and proven quality performance through years of US and Canadian university trials make this KBG a winner in the field. Beyond fights the browning caused by many common lawn diseases with its built-in pest resistance. In North American university trials, Beyond ranked highly against necrotic ring spot, red thread, Microdochium pink snow mold, brown patch, spring melting out, leaf rust, stem rust, dollar spot, stripe smut, anthracnose, and summer patch. Better resistance means fewer chemicals and a greener turf all season. Optimized for sports turf mowing, Beyond tops that charts at mowing heights form 0.5-2"(1.2-5cm). Beyond's tight sod knitting is great for faster lifting and turf-around time for sod production facilities. On top of all of the benefits Beyond has to offer - this is one of the few premium bluegrasses that excels in both sun or shade! Sold by the kilogram. Barenbrug products are available for fall booking. Inventory is restocked once yearly.

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