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Award Kentucky Bluegrass

Award is the ideal fairway bluegrass, able to perform at close mowing down to 0.5” (12 mm) and top rated at mowing heights below 1” (25 mm). Or, bring that golf course look to your lawn, park, or sports field with Award’s luxurious dark green color and ground‐filling density that helps crowd out weeds. Award does well from alpine climates to the sizzling Transition Zone. It is the first elite bluegrass to excel at all maintenance levels, scoring high in trials for unirrigated, low maintenance lawns while also scoring in the top for close‐mow tolerance, summer density, fall color, and turf quality in the Northeast region. Having been planted on over 100,000 acres of turf in over 20 countries, you can have confidence that Award will perform for you. According to unbiased test results, Award is top rated in spring density and ground cover, late fall color and ground coverage, traffic and wear tolerance, Transition Zone endurance, shade tolerance, fewest seedheads in the turf, and fastest sod lifting (stretch resistance). Award scores high marks in pink snow mold, summer patch, necrotic ring spot, leaf rust, and anthracnose resistance and is one of Jacklin Seed’s best against dollar spot. Its dense nature fights encroachment of Poa annua. Sold by the kilogram. Barenbrug products are available for fall booking. Inventory is restocked once yearly.

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